professionals with more than 20 years experience, talent and enthusiasm. We are dedicated to working to ensure high calibre service delivery.
professionals with more than 20 years experience, talent and enthusiasm. We are dedicated to working to ensure high calibre service delivery.
global solutions and outstanding experiences tailored to your needs with the best team at your disposal so that you feel like a guest at your own event.
of everything down to the finest details you imagine.
We make it happen.
Live and enjoy it to the fullest!
Because that way you´ll never forget it.
global solutions and outstanding experiences tailored to your needs with the best team at your disposal so that you feel like a guest at your own event.
of EVERYTHING down to the finest details you imagine.
We make it happen.
Live and Enjoy it to the fullest!
Because that way you´ll never forget it
Avenida de Zarauz 82 - 3º G 20018 Donostia - San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
Valdeleku s.l. - Juan Montalvo 10 6ºB - 28040 Madrid
Phone: 915 310 600 / Fax:911412331
N.I.F: B84077346 - CICMA 3335
Avenida de Zarauz 82 - 3º G 20018 Donostia - San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)
Valdeleku s.l. - Juan Montalvo 10 6ºB - 28040 Madrid
Phone: 915 310 600 / Fax:911412331 N.I.F: B84077346
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